Profit Center Model Overview
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The Jedox Profit Center model provides an internal view of the profit and loss performance of your profit centers. This Jedox Premium Model comes with a customizable chart of accounts as well as a profit center and cost object hierarchy. Costs can be allocated to profit centers and cost objects by a variety of allocation methods including allocation by key, internal activity allocation and reciprocal methods using iterations. It integrates data from the Sales and Cost Center models. Jedox Models are highly configurable best-practice applications. They store amounts in a source currency and convert them into one or multiple reporting currencies. Data can be either imported from source systems or entered manually.
This model requires the Sales and Cost Center models to be installed on the same database.
Test Drive the Profit Center Model from the Jedox Marketplace.

Profit Center Cube
Partner Profit Center Dimension
Posting Journal Configuration Dimension
Allocation Configuration Cube
Batch Procedure Configuration Dimension (Profit Center Model)
Currency Conversion
Setting Up the Available Source Currencies (Financial Consolidation)
Setting Up Target Currencies (Financial Consolidation)
Configuration of Conversion Types
Setting Up Additional Conversion Types
Conversion from Implicit Local Currency
Conversion from Explicit Source Currency
Comparison of Currency Conversions
Synchronizing Exchange Rates in Forecast and Budget Versions
Updated August 25, 2023