Actions on Journal Entries

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The journal can be inspected using database queries. The queries support filtering for one or more fields of the journal entry header. The query result is visualized in tabular form, showing the fields of the journal entry header.

The result of the query can be used for subsequent actions. Some of these actions can be processed on an arbitrary selection of the query result, containing one, multiple or all journal entries of the query. The actions can only be performed if the prerequisites (e.g. the status) are met.

Action Description
Amend Saves the journal entry and sets its status to “Saved”. Only visible for journal entries which have the status “Reversed” and when the model setting key “configuration.amend_journal_entries” is set to “TRUE”
Copy and Relocate Opens up the Journal Entries_relocate form to create new journal entries as copies of existing ones in a new location with Journal Entry Status as saved and as manual entries. Only visible if one or more journal entries are selected.
Copy Forward Creates duplicate entries on the next reporting period for the selected journal entries with Journal Entry Status as saved and as manual entries. Only visible if one or more journal entries are selected.
Delete Deletes selected saved journal entries. Only visible if one or more manual and saved journal entries are selected.
Duplicate Creates duplicate entries for the selected journal entries with Journal Entry Status as saved and as manual entries. Only visible if one or more journal entries are selected.
Edit Edits journal entries.
Export Exports journal entries.
Invert Creates inverse entries for the selected journal entries with Journal Entry Status as saved and as manual entries. Only visible if one or more automated and posted journal entries are selected.
Post Post saved journal entry.
Repost Posts selected reversed journal entries again. Only visible if one or more reversed journal entries are selected.
Reverse Reverse the posted journal entry. Only visible if one or more manual and posted journal entries are selected.

Updated August 28, 2023