Version Dimension

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Elements in Version dimension are used to separate actual figures from planning figures. Each planning process (e.g. Mid-Term Planning, Budget, Forecast 3+9, Forecast 6+6, Forecast 9+3, etc.,) is represented by a dedicated element. Additional elements can be added to represent other planning processes. Scenarios using other figures or another configuration can be added as well.

All version elements are a flat list without any hierarchy. The elements Actual, Previous Year, Mid-Term Budget Planning, and Budget are explicitly used in the reports and should not be deleted. Otherwise, the reports using these elements would be broken.

Reports use one or two forecast versions. The forecast elements can be renamed or removed as long as at least two versions with stylesheet attribute FC (Forecast) remain.

The Previous Year version is calculated by a rule, as described in this article.

The version elements can be configured through their attributes:




Readable name of the version. Localized translations can be provided. This attribute is visible in the report. There is no hard-coded behavior implemented in this name. (string)


Short version of the name, e.g. Column heading. Localized translations can be provided. This attribute is visible in the report. There is no hard-coded behavior implemented on this name. (string)

Calculation Schema

When using version-dependent calculations in a fact cube, this attribute defines which calculation applies to which version.

Valid values are a single letter (e.g. A for actual or P for planning) to define the calculations for this version. An empty attribute means none of the calculation schemas apply. (string)


The stylesheet is used for an area visualization of the version. Valid stylesheets are:

  • AC for Actual
  • BU for Budget
  • FC for Forecast
  • PY for Previous Year

These stylesheets are also used in the reports to understand the nature of the element, e.g. to offer all forecast versions in a combo box. (string)


A single character or glyph to represent the version, e.g. in a business chart. A report may or may not take advantage of this attribute. (string)

Actual Months

When using version blending in a fact cube, this attribute defines the number of actual months to be blended into the forecast version. Valid values are numbers between 1 and 12. An empty attribute means version blending does not apply to this version. See article on Version Blending for more information. (string)

Previous Version

Version containing the most recently available data before the first period of the current planning data. This may be Actual (in case of forecast versions) or the most recent forecast (in case of the budget version). Valid values are all of the other elements of the Version dimension. (string)

Updated August 28, 2023