Import Exchange Rates Interfaces

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Models Overview

Historic as well as current exchange rates can be imported in any of three ways:

  • from a CSV file, in the format provided by the European Central Bank (ECB) and stored in an import folder in the file system. This folder must be accessible from the server running the Integration Server.
  • from a CSV file, in the format provided by the ECB and stored in an import folder in the Report Designer of Jedox Web.
  • online, from the ECB website.

Note: The ECB does not provide exchange rate values for weekends or public holidays. If the last day of a month happens to be such a date, then the Month End value will be zero.

All three interfaces will first import rates into the Daily Exchange Rates cube. The ECB generally provides exchange rates from EUR to a variety of other currencies. If EUR is defined as a target currency, the values are imported directly. For other target currencies, the exchange rate is calculated as cross rates during the import from two provided EUR rates.

The import procedures, then take these values to calculate the Average and Month End conversion types at the month level, filter the results to the extent of the Month dimension, and store the results in the Exchange Rates cube.

Import from a CSV file stored in the file system

Prerequisite: download and unzip eurofxref-hist.csv from and store it in the standard import folder on the file system.

This file can be imported using Integrator job xfcc08_60_EZB_Euro_rates.

Import from a CSV file stored in Jedox Web

Prerequisite: download and unzip eurofxref-hist.csv from and store it in the standard import folder in Jedox Web.

This file can be imported using Integrator job xfcc08_60_EZB_Euro_rates.

Import from web site

Prerequisite: the Integrator must have access to the internet (

Exchange rates are imported using Integrator job xfcc16_60_ECB_Euro_reates_online.

Import procedure

Any of the three Integrator jobs executes the following procedure:

This job will import rates first into the Daily Exchange Rates cube in version Actual. The available rates are imported only if the date is a valid element in the Day dimension and if the source currency is a valid element in the Currency dimension.

If EUR is defined as the target currency, the conversion rates to EUR as provided by the ECB are directly imported. For any other target currency the exchange rates are calculated as cross rates via EUR.

The procedure then takes these values to calculate conversion types Average and Month End at month level and reduce the results to the extent of the Month dimension.

The available rates are extended during this transfer as follows:

  • Rate 1 if Currency equals XXX
  • Rate 1 if Conversion Type equals ~
  • Rate 1 if Target Currency equals Currency
  • If no exchange rate is available for a particular date the last available exchange rate is used instead.

The results are stored in the Exchange Rates cube.

Updated August 28, 2023