Daily Exchange Rates Cube

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Daily actual exchange rates are maintained in Daily Exchange Rates, which consists of the following dimensions:

  • Day
  • Conversion Type contains the following elements:



    All Conversion Types

    Total of all conversion types; aggregated figures are usually meaningless at this level.


    This conversion type always contains a rate of 1 and can be used to prevent unwanted currency conversion, e.g. for number of heads.


    The arithmetic average over all available daily exchange rates. This type can be used for currency conversion of flow quantities, e.g. revenue or travel costs.

    Month End

    The most recent exchange rate available in the month. This type can be used for currency conversion of stock quantities, e.g. intangible assets or liabilities.

    Month Start

    The opening exchange rate, equal to the month-end exchange rate of the previous month. This type can be used for currency conversion of Opening transaction type, defining the opening balance.


    This conversion type is a placeholder for currency conversion with historical conversion rates. The Exchange Rate cubes will not store exchange rates for this conversion type.

  • Currency: Source of the currency conversion. Elements are usually ISO 4217 codes. Note: The ISO 4217 defines XXX as a non-currency unit.
    This dimension also features an element LC (Local Currency) and several consolidated elements and hierarchies. These are supposed to be calculated by the rules when this dimension is used in fact cubes. In the context of the exchange rates cube, these elements are not used and do not show any valuable information.
  • Target Currency: Target of the currency conversion. Elements are usually ISO 4217 codes.
  • Daily Exchange Rates_measure:

    • Exchange Rate (numeric): The stored exchange rate.
    • Count (numeric): A value of 1 for each stored rate. This measure is useful on consolidated levels to compute an average rate.

Updated August 28, 2023