Profit and Loss Model Overview

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The Jedox Profit and Loss model provides rich financial insight into your business at any time in a single view. Easily create financial statements for profit and loss and profit appropriation. It comes with a customizable chart of accounts. Jedox Models are highly configurable best-practice applications that easily integrate with each other. They store amounts in a source currency and convert them into one or multiple reporting currencies. Data is either imported from source systems or entered manually.

Test Drive the Profit and Loss Model from the Jedox Marketplace.


Technical Documentation



Profit and Loss Cube

Daily Exchange Rates Cube

Exchange Rates Cube

Fact Cube Using Currency Conversion

Business Logic

Version Blending

KPI Calculations (by Version) for Profit and Loss Cube

Previous Year

Currency Conversion

Integration of Detail-Planning Cubes (Profit and Loss Cube)

Semi-Additive Measures (Profit and Loss Model)


Import Exchange Rates Interfaces


Profit and Loss Actual Report

Profit and Loss Forecast Report

Profit and Loss Mid-Term Planning Report

Profit and Loss Budget Report

Profit and Loss Legal Entity Breakdown Report

Profit and Loss Time Series Report

Administration Reports

Legal Entity Administration Report

Exchange Rates Report

Profit and Loss Forecast Report



Getting Started with the Profit and Loss Model

Setting Up the Profit and Loss Model


Profit and Loss Cube

PnL Account Dimension

Currency Conversion

Setting Up the Available Source Currencies

Setting Up the Target Currencies

Currency Conversion Configuration

Comparison of Currency Conversions

Scaling Amounts in Reports


Configuring Design Elements

Version Dimension

Month Dimension

Day Dimension

Legal Entity Dimension

>>>>>>> Stashed changes

Updated August 20, 2024