Features in Add-in for Excel 365

Jedox Add-in for Excel 365 Ribbon

The Ribbon offers access to the following features:

  • Home:
    Provides access to the recently used and pinned items, and if enabled, to the Discover section, where you can access the available Keyboard Shortcuts, Knowledge Base, Trainings, Jedox EPM Blog, Jedox Support Portal, and What's new. You can disable the Discover section in the Settings by unchecking Show discovered section.
  • Stored Views:
    Once you have defined the server / database and the cube of your desired View, this section offers access to your Stored Views. You can automatically insert your Stored View by clicking on the file. The icon in the top right corner refreshes the connection between the Add-in for Excel 365 and the OLAP server. Switching between the task pane tabs also refreshes the OLAP server connection.
  • New View:
    Allows you to create new Jedox database Views on a worksheet by selecting the database and cube first, and then choosing the dimensions and elements you want to display.
  • Edit View:
    Allows you to edit the content of the inserted View on your current sheet. You can edit the elements within the selected dimensions of the POV, rows and columns, as well as add or remove the available dimensions.
  • Zero Suppression:
    Use this option to hide cells with null values.
  • Swap axes:
    Allows you to exchange the entries in the row titles area with those in the column titles area.
  • Detach View:
    Detaching the View will display the PALO functions of the corresponding cells within the worksheet, allowing you to change the layout, format of the cells, positioning of parts of the View, and other aspects.
  • Rebuild View:
    Views' context-dependent capabilities, such as expanding / collapsing of rows and columns or multi-selection of header dimensions, do not work with detached Views. To use these features again, you must rebuild the View.
  • Keep Only:
    Allows you to keep only the selected data elements of a dimension from rows or columns.
  • Insert Data Function:
    Use this command to insert the PALO.DATAC function for displaying a cube cell value in a spreadsheet cell, or for writing a spreadsheet cell value back to a cube cell.
  • Insert Elements:
    Allows you insert element names or aliases from the In-Memory DB directly into Excel 365.
  • Update Sheet:
    Updates both the static View and all PALO functions within the active spreadsheet.
  • Update Workbook:
    Updates both the static View and all PALO functions in the entire workbook.
  • Connections:
    Select whether to connect to or disconnect from an existing connection, or open the Connection Manager where you can add, edit, or delete a connection to Jedox Web. If you have set up multiple connections to different servers, only one connection can be active. Consequently, setting one connection as active will automatically disconnect all other connections.
  • Settings:
    Opens the General settings for the Jedox Add-in for Excel 365:
    • Customize Home by choosing the number of recent items to show, i.e., the number of Views you want to display within the Recent section (from 10 to 40 items).
    • Show Discover section: this checkbox allows you to show / hide the Discover section.
    • Experimental features: displays the option to enable or disable the available experimental feature(s).
    • Language: the current version offers English, German, and French.
    • Add-in Log: you can download log files of different categories or reset them.
    • Log categories: Trace, Debug, Info, Warning, Error, and Critical. Click here for more detail on logs categories.
    • Version information: at the bottom, you can find the Excel 365 Add-in version and the OLAP server version of the currently connected server.

Navigating within the task pane

Task panes are interface surfaces that typically appear on the right side of the window / worksheet within Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook.

Once you open the task pane, you can quickly access the sections Home (recent and pinned items), Views (stored Views and edit View), Settings, and Notifications on spreadsheet interactions with Jedox objects, e.g. error messages.

Furthermore, there is an additional pane within the desktop application, marked with an < icon on Windows and an i icon on macOS, which includes the following options: Get Support, Reload, Attach Debugger, and Security Info.

Experimental features

This option offers the possibility of testing new features whose final implementation has not yet been concluded. These features should therefore be used with caution, as they may be changed or removed in future versions.

Click area

When enabled, only a limited area of the cell remains interactive, minimizing errors and enhancing usability. The interactive area of each cell is marked with a symbol ( / / + / - /»). To expand, collapse, or select an element in the POV, click on or around the symbol. Note that you must deactivate the click area if you want to detach the View, as the cells will otherwise display #VALUE!.

Updated July 8, 2024