Autumn 2024 Major Release (2024.2)

Release Notes

We have reduced the number of major Jedox releases per year, and now reserve them for pivotal moments in our software's evolution. Major releases will mark milestones characterized by the introduction of substantial enhancements and innovations.

As with all previous Jedox Cloud deployments, we continue to deliver regular patches for current Jedox releases, including bug fixes, frictionless improvements, new features, as well as security and performance enhancements.

We continue to maintain support for versions released within the last 12 months.


Dynatable in Canvas

Dynatables, optimized for performance, enable Analysts, Super Planners, and End Users to create real-time analytics and tabular data representations with ease. Now integrated into Canvas, Dynatables offer an intuitive drag-and-drop experience, allowing users to easily create, explore, and interact with tabular data and analytics on Canvas.

Drag and drop Dynatables onto Canvas

Users can drag and drop Dynatables components onto their Canvas, allowing for intuitive and flexible workspace customization.

Dynatables pop-up

When users drag and drop Dynatables onto their Canvas, a pop-up appears, allowing them to either create a new Dynatable or select from previously saved ones.

Dynatable frame

When users add a Dynatable to their Canvas, a visible frame outlines the borders, making the Dynatable's placement clear.

Dynatables Format tab

The Format tab of the Dynatables in Canvas enables users to see and configure properties such as padding, size, frame radius, border, and background color.

Dynatables Data tab

The Data tab of the Dynatables enables users to edit, modify, rearrange, and customize Dynatables to suit their needs.

Canvas Dynatables Load

When users create or edit a Dynatable, any changes are automatically saved when they save their Canvas. The updated Dynatables can later be viewed in the Canvas, Designer, and Report modes.

ComboBoxes interactions with Dynatables

The native Canvas ComboBoxes and Dynatables can interact with each other using @variables. By connecting the @variables assigned to a ComboBox to the POV dimensions in the Dynatable, any changes made in the ComboBox selection will automatically reflect in the Dynatable.

Dynatables size in Canvas

The size of the Dynatables within a Canvas must be specified during design and remain fixed. This means the frame size will not adjust when the user expands or collapses sections.

Right-click on Dynatables

Users can right-click on a Dynatable in Canvas to access options such as cut, copy, paste, or delete.

Dynatables naming

When Dynatables are added to the Canvas, they are automatically assigned sequential names, following a numeric pattern for easier identification. The first Dynatable is named "Dynatable1," the second "Dynatable2," and so on, with each subsequent table receiving an incremented identifier. Users can rename any Dynatable through the Format tab.

Deleting Dynatables in Canvas

Users can remove a Dynatable by selecting the "Delete Dynatable" option in the Format tab, or by right-clicking on a Dynatable in Canvas and selecting the "Delete" option.


Zero Suppression

Users can now suppress zeros in Dynatables. When the Zero Suppression option is enabled, cells with a null value will are not displayed.

@variables in Canvas Dynatable

By assigning a variable to both a ComboBox and a Dynatable, Canvas Designers can offer Users greater flexibility in customizing the reports they view and enable them to dynamically adjust report parameters, filter data, and tailor the displayed information.

Jedox Web

Keyboard shortcut for Dynatables

To open Dynatables directly from the Jedox Web UI, users can use the keyboard shortcut "Alt + T" on Windows or "Option + T" on macOS.


Parquet integration

The new Parquet connector in Jedox allows users to efficiently read from and write to Parquet files across all supported file locations, including cloud services and local storage. Parquet integration consists of Parquet Connector, Parquet Extract, and Parquet Load.

PGP decryption for file-based connections

The PGP decryption feature in Jedox enables users to securely decrypt files that have been encrypted with PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) directly within the platform. Connections that support PGP decryption are CSV, ExcelFile, JSON, Parquet, and XML.

Custom aggregation separator for group concatenation

Users can now specify custom separators for aggregation-type operations (Table Aggregation, Table Normalization, and Table Denormalization).

GZip functionality allowed in Groovy scripts

Files can be compressed and uncompressed in ETL projects using Groovy. To enable this functionality, two new output classes are now allowed, and


New drillthrough mode

Introducing the new drillthrough mode drilldown-base.

Deprecation of some Groovy functions

The following SMTP-related Groovy functions are obsolete and will raise a deprecation warning, starting with the 2024 Fall release (24.2).

  • setSMTPServer(String host, String port, String user, String password)
  • setSender(String sender)
  • enableTLS(boolean tls)
  • enableAuth(boolean auth)
  • trustAllServers(boolean trustAllServers)
  • getSmtpHostName()
  • getSmtpPort()
  • getSmtpAuthUser()
  • getSmtpAuthPwd()
  • getEmailMsgTxtSubType()
  • getEmailFromAddress()
  • isTls()
  • isAuth()
  • isTrustAllServers()

The function setMessage(String message, String subType) can be substituted with setHtmlMessage(String message)for text/html MIME types; note that other MIME sub-types are not supported.

Note that this change was announced earlier this year in Deprecations and Breaking Changes.

Updated components

In Jedox version 2024.2, the following components were updated:

Component Version
Apache 2.4.59
PHP (Apache) 8.1.22
PHP (SSS) 7.3.33
PHP (SVS) 8.3.3
OpenJDK 17.0.9

Updated October 10, 2024