CSV File Connection

Access level: read, write

Jedox Integrator can import or export CSV (comma-separated-value) files.

With Jedox 24.2, PGP decryption is supported for file-based connections, such as CSV. PGP decryption must be configured in the Cloud Console for your Jedox environment. See Keys and Secrets for more information.

Connection settings

Type The following file locations are supported:

File / directory name Path to the CSV file or directory containing CSV files. The syntax of the file name is location-specific.
Encryption method For PGP decryption, enter the passkey that was set during key creation.

Directory connections will only work if the same passphrase can be used for all files (either the files use keys without passphrase, or the keys for the files have the same passphrase).

CSV Settings

Header If set, the entries of the first line of source data are used as column headers.
Data delimiter Separators between the columns in the text file, e.g. ",".
  • comma (default)
  • Tab as data delimiter: \t
  • For blank value (" ") as data delimiter: #space
  • semicolon

Any other character is also valid.

Enclosure character The enclosure character of the columns. Possible enclosure characters are:
  • #none (no enclosures)
  • double quotes (")
  • single quotes (')

If no enclosure character is defined, by default double quotes (") is used.

Encoding The most common character encodings are UTF-8 (default), ASCII, and latin1 (Windows standard).

A list of all character codes can be found at http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/intl/encoding.doc.html
From this list you can also enter manually a character code into the field ‘Encoding’. Note that this connection only supports file encodings as provided by the Java Runtime Environment.

Use escape character If set, the character “\” invokes an alternative interpretation of the subsequent character.
Example: “1\”Hello\”2” is interpreted as 1”Hello”2

Updated January 28, 2025