Parquet Extract

This extract type imports data from Parquet files. A Parquet connection is required for this extract.

See also Parquet's documentation on file format types and metadata.

Connection A connection of ParquetFile type. See Parquet Connection.
range column Subset An optional list of comma-separated column indices that will be extracted. Index 1 indicates the first column of the range. Example: 1,3,4
Header Check this option if column names are needed from the Parquet schema. If not, leave it unchecked and the column names will be "column1", "column2", etc.
Schema types If set, the data types (string, numeric, date) are taken from the Parquet schema. Otherwise, the data type is always set to string.
Date format Columns formatted as date will be output according to the provided date format. Details on syntax can be found in DateFormat Function.
Use caching Memory, disk, or none (default). For more information, see Caching in Extracts.

Updated October 2, 2024