Platform 2023.2 Release Notes

Canvas native components

Canvas designers can now select and add native Canvas components from the Add Component menu. There are three native components you can use:

  • Canvas Label allows Canvas designers to add headings and descriptive text directly from within the Canvas. Canvas designers can decide on the positions and alignments of both labels and label text.
  • Canvas Combobox allows Canvas designers to add and configure filters directly from within Canvas reports.
  • Canvas KPI Cards allow Canvas designers to display the most important summary measures from their data. This helps the end users evaluate a measure's status by comparing key indicators to a target or comparison measure.

KPI card: dynamic number formatting

Enabling the Auto Scaling option results in dynamic number formatting. This way, the numbers below a million are automatically shown with a "K" (for kilo, or thousands), the numbers below a billion are shown with an "M" (for million), and the numbers over a billion are shown with a "B" (for billion).

KPI card: comparison value

The Comparison value option enables Canvas designers to define a comparison measure for their KPI card without needing to write a complex formula.

KPI card: Indicator

The Indicator option enables the Canvas designers to add a variance indicator to the KPI Card. This helps the end users to evaluate the status of a chosen measure by seeing the variance between the primary and chosen comparison measures.

KPI card: alignment and text formatting (23.2.3)

Canvas designers can customize the font style and alignment of the different sections of the KPI, i.e., Title, Value, and Comparison.

KPI card comparison value - Add Dimension (23.2.3)

Canvas designers can easily add a dimension to the comparison area in a KPI card.

Connection / Database parameterization in KPI cards and ComboBoxes (23.2.3)

Canvas designers can configure the connection/database for their KPI card and ComboBox source data using Variables, Named range, and Settings key.

Export to PDF (23.2.3)

Canvas designers can export Canvas native components (KPI card, Label, and ComboBox) as PDFs.

Format Painter (same type component) (23.2.3)

Canvas designers can use the Format Painter option to quickly apply the same formatting of one component to another component of the same type.

Label and ComboBox Font Style (23.2.3)

Canvas designers can customize the font style and alignment of Canvas Labels and ComboBoxes.

Canvas Property Inspector - UI/UX improvements

Canvas formatting options are simplified, making designing Canvas reports quicker and more intuitive for Canvas designers. The simplified UI provides easier access to the various options of Canvas.

Simplified Border, Radius, Padding, Gap, and Margin setting

Canvas designers can now add, modify, and style Borders, Radii, Padding, Gap, and Margins easier and more quickly.

Disabling inheritance of Radius in Canvas properties attn

Setting the Radius on a Canvas Stack (or group) does not change the Radius of components or stacks within this Stack.

Canvas context menu (cut, copy, paste, delete)

Canvas designers can now cut, copy, paste, and delete components, frame elements, and stacks of a Canvas by right-clicking on it. You can also use this option to move components within different Canvases.

Search Web Spreadsheet content sources

Canvas designers can now use the Add Component menu’s search bar to quickly find the component or Worksheets they need. This is especially helpful when there are many components in the web spreadsheets.

Changes in Canvas terminology

With the introduction of the native Canvas components, some of the Canvas terminologies have changed.

  • All native Canvas components such as the new KPI card, Labels, and ComboBoxes are called Canvas components
  • All charts, form elements, etc. that are sourced from the Web Spreadsheet are called Worksheet Elements

Canvas properties - Backdrop fill

When Max Width has been applied, an area around the Canvas might be left empty. The Backdrop fill option enables the report builder to set a color for the area surrounding the Canvas.


Sharepoint integration

Integrator now supports access to files that are stored in a Sharepoint location. When creating a file-based connection, such as Excel, CSV, or XML, select location type "Sharepoint" and enter the connection parameters. Once the connection has been made, Extracts and Loads can be performed on Sharepoint files. See Connecting to a Sharepoint Location for details.

Copy a function from one Field Transform to another

A function can now be copied from one Field Transform to any other Field Transform within the Integrator workspace.

Duplicate any grid row in Integrator components

Similar entries in Integrator components can now be easily duplicated and modified, rather than re-creating each new entry from scratch. To duplicate a row in the component grid, simply right-click and select "Duplicate row".

"Copy with dependencies" now shows conflicting components

This enhancement to the "Copy with dependencies" feature displays a list of conflicting components, allowing the user to select the component to override.

Unzip password-protected files with Integrator Scripting API

Using the new FILE.unzip method, password-protected files can be unzipped during integration. See Integrator Scripting API.

Navigate directly from Job to assigned executions

Jobs and Loads now have a link to each part of the job, so you can quickly open it without using the Flow Graph.

Improved performance for Tableau Load

Loading data into a Tableau Hyper file has been enhanced, now showing a performance improvement of up to 94%.

Improved feedback from SalesforceSOQL Extract

If a SOQL extract does not return any records, an info message will be displayed in the Monitor.

SQL Server 2012 no longer supported attn

Microsoft has ended support for SQL Server 2012, and JDBC driver versions 11.2 and beyond no longer support it. Jedox 2023.2 has moved to JDBC driver 12.2.0.jre11, so SQL Server 2012 will no longer be supported in Jedox.

Direct links to source components (2023.2.3)

TableUnion and TreeJoin transforms now have direct links in the UI that jump directly to an assigned source component.


New splashing commands to set / add values based on populated cells of another slice (! like and !! like)

With new splashing commands ! like or !! like, you can set or add the values that are populated in a different cube slice without populating all the underlying base cells. Use case: adding an equal bonus on top of an existing bonus for every employee that participated in a certain project. To do so, you would simply enter a value of '!!500 like "Project Raccoon";hours'.

Updated components

In Jedox version 2023.2, the following components were updated:

Component Version
Apache 2.4.57
PHP (Apache) 8.1
PHP (SSS) 7.3.30
PHP (SVS) 8.1
Tomcat 9.0.74
OpenJDK 17.0.7

Updated March 27, 2024