Canvas Workbook Event

As a Jedox Canvas Designer, you can assign Actions to Open, Load, and Close workbook events. This way, the states are initialized or cleaned up without needing to write any Macros.

When you select an Action in the "When opened" tab, the action is executed after the workbook has been processed and the first calculationas of the functions have been performed. The Actions in the "When loaded" tab will be executed when the workbook is loaded, and the Actions in the "When closed" tab will be executed when the workbook is closed.

The following Actions are available in Canvas Workbook events. Note that not all the Actions are available in different tabs.

Action Description Available in Events
Hyperlink Executes a hyperlink.
  • Close

Integrator Runs an Integrator job; Variables of the job can be linked (e.g., to spreadsheet cells or @variables). The behavior of execution is configurable.
  • Load

  • Close

Read/Write value
  • Reads a value from an OLAP cube cell and sets it to a target (e.g. @variable); can also write a value in an OLAP cube cell.
    • Open

    • Load

    Scheduler Task
  • Allows a designer to execute any type of scheduled job, whether it is active or not.
    • Load

    • Close

    Set value Sets a value in a Named Range, cell, or Variable.
    • Open

    • Load

    • Close

    Note that the Workbook Events defined in a source workbook will not be executed when you open the Canvas. You should define the Workbook Events on the Canvas itself.

    See the Actions articles for more information on using Actions.

    Updated January 31, 2024