Administration in Jedox Web

The Administration component and the respective authorized access areas are visible to users with at least R rights for one of the following objects:

  • ste_users
  • ste_conns
  • ste_logs
  • ste_licenses
  • ste_sessions
  • ste_settings
  • ste_perf
  • audit

Moving the cursor over any object activates its functionality. You can navigate to one of the displayed options or simply enter the object by clicking on the card.

Users, Groups, Roles

Edit users, groups, and roles for each configured Jedox OLAP connection for which you have authorized access.

You can add (1) or delete users (2), groups, and roles or change their details if you have at least D rights on the respective user management objects (user, group, password, and rights).

Use the "Search" button (3) to search for any entry in the current table.

The user table has the following columns:

  • User name
  • Full name
  • Description
  • Last login (refers to logins to Jedox Web or Excel Add-in)
  • Creation time
  • User status

In each column header, you can open a pull-down menu with commands to sort the column in ascending/descending order and with checkmarks to display/hide columns of the current table.

Selecting a row (5) displays the corresponding area for editing (6) to perform actions on the selected object. You can also select multiple rows by pressing the Ctrl or Shift key.

When assigning rights within roles, we distinguish between splash (S), Full access (D), Writable (W), Read only (R), and No access (N). For a legal object, only those rights that can actually be granted appear in the list.


In the Connections section, you can create and manage connections to various data sources. Connections of the type Jedox OLAP connect to Jedox In-Memory databases servers, and can be used in Web Spreadsheets, in the Modeler, and in Jedox Integrator (as Jedox global connections in Integrator projects). Connections of the type ODBC can be used in Web Spreadsheets. All other connections can be used in Jedox Integrator projects.

The Add button opens the dialog „NEW CONNECTION“.

Screenshot of the dialog "New Connection"

After the selection of an existing connection you can delete it, edit its settings, or change the permissions for the different user groups.

Screenshot of Modul Administration, there the  section  Connections with buttons "Add", "Delete" and dialog "Connections details"

Creating an OLAP connection

Jedox OLAP connections require specification of the network interface and port where the OLAP server is accessible. By default, the localhost connection already exists and points to the OLAP server set up for your company. Note that the interface entered for the connection must be exactly the same as the interface specified in the configuration file of your cloud instance. By "interface" we mean not only the same physical server, but the same "address" you are using, such as internal IP or internal/external DNS.

You can also create additional connections to other OLAP instances in your environment.

Connection settings

Host The hostname for the connection to the OLAP server. For the local server, the hostname is "jedox-olap".
Port The port for the connection to the OLAP server. For the local server, the port is 80; for the external server, the port is 443.
User name User name for the connection to the server.
Password Password for the connection to the server.
Use login credentials If enabled, the user will be prompted to log in using the credentials entered above.

It is generally recommended to enable this option, as it ensures that each time this connection is used, it will be in the context of the currently logged in Jedox user, and the user's access rights will be applied.

This option should be disabled in the following scenarios:

  • The connection is used for a job in an Integrator project (as a global connection) that executes something that the normal user running the project (e.g. an end user via an Action button in a report) is not allowed to execute (e.g. creating or deleting a database).
  • If you intend to have a function in a report (e.g. PALO.SETDATA or PALO.EADD) that executes something that the end user should not be allowed to do
  • The connection points to a separate OLAP instance that uses different passwords or even a completely different user base (in the System database).

Creating an ODBC connection

When creating an ODBC connection, you can choose between three modes.

You can define such connections by referring to a Data source name (DSN), which is defined on the operating system of the Jedox instance. Alternatively, when connecting to a supported database you can specify the connection details such as the server or the port, in the connection itself. You can do this either Assisted, with the connection settings specifying individual fields, or Manual, by specifying a connection string.

The supported databases for ODBC connections are MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. All necessary connection information can be provided in the Connection Manager. Use the mode “Connection string (Assisted)” for the most intuitive configuration.

Before using the connection in a spreadsheet, you should first verify that the connection works by testing it:

Test connection dialog

Internal connection

This connection is defined in the configuration files of Jedox Web to the OLAP server with the metadata and the System database for the authentication of the users. This connection does not exist as an object in the section "Connections", and it cannot be changed.

You have access to the internal connection only if you have a role with full rights on all of the following objects:

  • user
  • group
  • password
  • rights


  • If you have no "visible" access to a particular connection, you cannot use that connection in workbook formulas. Previously, such connections could be used for back-end purposes, such as changing a password via a static connection with admin credentials. On all levels, users are only able to work with connections they have access to.
  • When you change the hostname of a connection, the password will be reset automatically.


Logs can now only be accessed via the Cloud Console. The "Logs" section in Jedox Administration is still accessible, but all options of the log viewer are disabled, and the entire section will be removed in the future. A link in the Logs section redirects you to the Cloud Console.


Here you can activate and manage your licenses. Click on the links below for more detailed descriptions about these topics:


Here you can find the running sessions. Your own session is marked with a star. Double-click on a user session to get the current OLAP jobs and the license used.

To stop a job, select the corresponding user session and then the desired job in the "Active jobs" tab. Click on the "Stop Job" button (indicated below) to cancel it.


Here you can modify various Jedox Web settings as well as add new and even custom settings for your Jedox installation. For details, see Overview of Jedox Web Settings.


Performance monitoring can only be viewed from the Statistics section in the Cloud Console. The "Performance Monitor" area in Jedox Administration is still accessible, but all options are currently unavailable.


The Jedox In-Memory DB can store audit information for specific cubes. The audit information keeps track of all individual cell changes, such as the cell path, time of change, users, new values, operations (splashing, copy), etc. For details, see Audit Information.

Updated November 5, 2024