Dynatables (New Views)

Dynatables enable you to access In-Memory DB Views directly within Jedox Web, independent of Jedox Web Spreadsheets. Featuring an intuitive user interface (UI), Dynatables ensure that users across various roles can harness the full potential of Jedox's analytical capabilities. Whether you are a novice user exploring data or an experienced analyst crafting sophisticated reports, the ability to create and manipulate Dynatables empowers you to derive meaningful insights tailored to your specific needs.

The Dynatables UI is integrated into the top-level navigation of Jedox Web, alongside sections like Reports, Designer, and Modeler.

Opening existing Dynatables

When you click on the Dynatables in the navigation bar, you will see a complete list of all the stored Dynatables. You can sort the Dynatables list in ascending or descending order based on the Name, Database, Cube, and Modified (default sort: descending) columns. You can open the Dynatable you wish to explore by clicking on it.

Note that currently, Dynatables containing Lists, Subsets, or Virtual Dimensions may experience issues or disruptions. When hovering your mouse over these Dynatables, you will encounter a message preventing you from opening them. Access to these Dynatables will be made available in future releases.

Modifying Dynatables

To alter the presentation of your report, you can use "Pivot." You can drag and drop dimensions into your Dynatable sections or interchange the dimensions displayed in the Point of View (POV), Rows, and Columns.

You can search for and select elements and aliases in the row and column dimensions. The selected elements are visualized as tags within the Pivot interface. You can also expand or collapse the inner elements within any dimension in Rows and Columns, or perform Cross Drill Down on them.

Single element selection in POV dimensions in Source

You can select a single element for the Point of View (POV) dimensions in Pivot. When doing so, a "Select Element" window will appear on the screen. In this window, you can easily choose your desired elements by clicking on the respective row and column dimensions.

Saving Dynatables

Once you've customized a Dynatable to your liking, you can save it for later use. Moreover, when you require similar Dynatable with slight variations, you can utilize the "Save As" function to duplicate and save your Dynatables under a distinct name or ID.

Note that Dynatables can be saved according to the user's Role Rights, which are categorized as follows: D (Full Rights), granting the ability to create both Global and Private Dynatables; W (Write), enabling the saving of Private Dynatables; R (Read), allowing users to only view Dynatables; and N (None), providing no access to the Dynatables.

Creating new Dynatables

If you have the minimum access rights of "W" for the sub-set view, you can see a "Create Dynatables" button in the new Dynatables section. By clicking this button, you will be able to select a database and cube, and see the dimensions that are part of the selected cube inside the Dynatables. You can then customize your Dynatables by dragging and dropping the dimensions into the different sections of your Dynatable.


  • By default, the column and row headers are frozen, ensuring they remain visible at all times as the user navigates through the Dynatable. The fixed headers provide a consistent reference point, enhancing the overall usability and efficiency of the Dynatable.

  • Lists and Virtual Dimensions are currently not di`splayed in the Source or POV section while creating a Dynatable.

Unfreezing header and rows

By default, the column and row headers are frozen, ensuring they remain visible at all times as the user navigates through the Dynatable. The fixed headers provide a consistent reference point, enhancing the overall usability and efficiency of the Dynatable. To unfreeze the header and rows, simply right-click on them and select "Unfreeze column header."

Updated August 27, 2024