TableauHyperFile Connection

Access level: write

TableauHyperfile is a proprietary file format for high performance data input into the data visualization software Tableau. With this connection type, a file in the hyper format can be specified. Jedox Integrator currently supports Tableau 10.5 and later.

For this connection a Tableau Connector License is required.

Note: existing TDE file connections will be automatically migrated to TableauHyperFile connections, but the file extension must be manually changed from *.tde to *.hyper.

See also TableauServer Connection and Tableau Load.

Connection settings


The following file location types are supported:

File name The hyper file can be given as:
  • A file name with an absolute path on the file system of the server, e.g. C:\users\xyz\sample.hyper
  • A file name (with extension) in the default Integrator FileSystem location (/opt/jdx/tomcat/webapps/etlserver/data/files/), e.g. sample.hyper
  • A file residing on a network drive (see instructions in article Accessing Network Files).
    Example: //net1/sample.hyper

Updated July 8, 2024