Sales Order Backlog_measure Dimension

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This dimension contains stored and calculated measures for the sales order backlog. The sales order backlog measures are defined through their attributes:




Readable name of the measure. Localized translations can be provided. This attribute is visible in the report. There is no hard-coded behavior implemented on this name. (string)


Number format for this account to be driven by the database. (string)

Conversion Type

Defines which exchange rate is used during currency conversion. Valid values are base elements of the Conversion Type dimension, e.g. Average, Month End, Month Start, and ~. Use ~ to suppress the currency conversion, e.g. for statistical figures like number of heads. (string)

See Fact Cube Using Currency Conversion and Configuration of Conversion Types


Calculation rule. (string)

See also KPI Calculations for Sales Order Backlog Cube.


Dependency for the calculation (string)

See also KPI Calculations for Sales Order Backlog Cube.

The dimension contains the following measures:

Element Definition
Order Amount Amount of the sales orders (numeric)
Order Count Number of sales orders – each order having a non-zero Order Amount or Order Quantity is counted as one. (calculated, numeric)
Order Quantity Quantity of the ordered items covered by the sales orders (numeric)
Average Order Amount Average order amount per order: Order Amount / Order Count (calculated, numeric)
Average Order Quantity Average order quantity per order: Order Quantity / Order Count (calculated, numeric)

The automatic calculation of Order Count works only if changes always affect the entire sales order. To support partial changes on the sales orders, the rule in the Calculation attribute of the Order Count element must be removed, and the initial value and changes of Order Count must be provided as physical values. Only the final part of a partial change must have an Order Count of one, while non-final changes must have an Order Count of zero.

This dimension is not subject to being configured.

Updated January 13, 2023