Platform 2023.4 Release Notes


Show/Hide Canvas Stacks and Groups

Canvas designers can now simultaneously control the visibility of all the components within a Group or Stack.

Keep Space

The "Keep space" option allows Canvas designers to maintain the hidden component's position on their Canvas.

Gap and Padding sizes

Canvas designers can now select from two new size options: "Extra Small" and "Extra Large" for gaps and paddings.

Default Gaps and Paddings

The default padding and gap size for Groups is set to "Extra small."

Canvas visual enhancements

Dotted lines now clearly indicate the borders of all Canvas components, enhancing the formatting process and contributing to an improved user experience.

Hyperlink Action for Canvas sheets

The Hyperlink action has been expanded to enable the Canvas designers to choose specific Canvas sheets from Canvas-only workbooks. This enhancement allows designers to bundle different Canvases in one workbook and navigate through them.


Open a View from a cube cell out of a published report

Drill down one level into any dimension of the cube, regardless of the structure of your report. You find the new "Drill by..." option in the context menu of any data cell in a report (including KPI cards).

Cross Drill Down in Views

Change a row or column dimension of a View that has been opened through "Drill by..." with one of the remaining POV dimensions. This makes data analysis much more flexible, as it allows you to place dimensions in any of the areas of a View.


"New Connection" dialog now more intuitive

The new "New Connection" dialog has been redesigned to enable faster setup of file-based connections such as CSV and XML. You can set up the connection based on file type or location at the first screen (shown below).

Directory capabilities for file-based connections

You can now set up a connection to a directory for file-based connections. These connections enable extracting supported file types (CSV, XML, JSON, Excel) from the underlying connection. As part of this change, connections and extracts of type "File"have been renamed "CSV".

Premium Snowflake Connection

The Snowflake Connection is now a premium offering and requires a separate license.

OAuth authentication for Snowflake

Snowflake connection now supports OAuth authentication.

New SAP Hana View extract

This new extract type retrieves data from SAP HANA Calculation Views for use in further Integrator processing.

Improved usability for script editor

The script editors for Groovy and JavaScript jobs can now be expanded to accommodate longer scripts.

Qlik SaaS integration

Jedox now has a dedicated connector for Qlik SaaS to enable extracting data from Qlik.

New function to retrieve cube data using Integrator

A new Macro Engine function for Jedox Integrator, integrator_get_data, extracts a specific number of rows of data from an extract or transform for display in a spreadsheet.

New functions to retrieve Integrator execution data

Two new functions, integrator_get_last_execution_id and integrator_get_execution_info, retrieve execution information via PHP Macro Engine.

Updated components

In Jedox version 2023.4, the following components were updated:

Component Version
Apache 2.4.57
PHP (Apache) 8.1.22
PHP (SSS) 7.3.30
PHP (SVS) 8.1.16
OpenJDK 17.0.9

Updated August 2, 2024