Adding Keys to Custom Application Settings

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In order for the workflow to function in your custom application, you must add some access keys to Jedox Web Settings. Go to Administration > Settings, and click the Add key button in the toolbar. The "Add key" dialog appears:

Create the following five global keys one by one, with the respective key content for each:

Key Value Type Description
<yourapplicationname>.system.connection localhost string Name of global connection to access the database.
<yourapplicationname>.system.database CustomDatabase string Name of OLAP database containing the dimensions and cubes used by this building block or custom application.
<yourapplicationname>.system.integrator_project Workflow string Default integrator project containing interfaces and batch prodecures for this model.
<yourapplicationname>.system.integrator_server_url http://localhost:7775 string URL including port to access the SOAP API of integrator server.
<yourapplicationname>.configuration.logo Files/Images/jedox_logo_45x45.png string Location of application logo in Report Designer.

If you want to edit a key value or to delete a key, you can use the search field in the toolbar.

See also Jedox Web Settings.

Updated September 25, 2024