_WF Task Assignments (Cost Center) Cube

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The _WF Task Assignments (Cost Center) cube contains the user configuration of the workflow. A specific workflow activity can be assigned to single or multiple user groups. Members of these user groups are responsible to execute the activity. See the article Assigning activities to user groups.

This cube consists of the following dimensions:

  • Dimension _WF Task: See the article _WF Task dimension.
  • Dimension Cost Center: This is the workflow step dimension which is shared with the fact cube.
  • Dimension _WF Activity: See the article _WF Activity dimension.
  • Dimension #_GROUP_: The system dimension containing all user groups.
  • Dimension _WF Task Assignments_measure containing the following measures:




1 - If the workflow activity of the workflow step in the workflow task is assigned to the user group of dimension #_GROUP_. Empty otherwise. (string)


1 - If the workflow activity of the workflow step in the workflow task is assigned and also currently active. 0 Otherwise. (calculated, string)

Read, Write

1 - If the workflow activity of the workflow step in the workflow task is active and defined to be read-only. 0 otherwise. (calculated, string)

Updated January 13, 2023