_WF Activity Dimension

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Models Overview

The elements of this activity dimension are states and transitions. The activities are to be executed by either the system or a user.

Mandatory elements in this dimensions are:




Not applicable element of this dimension


Root element for the standard approval workflow activities

The children of _WF Approval_Activities define the standard approval workflow:

The states and transitions are defined by their attributes:






Readable localized name.



Readable localized description.



Reserved for future use

Next Activity


One or multiple next activities. In case of multiple activities these are separated by a comma (,). Any next activity must be a sibling base element of the _WF Activity dimension.


String: system or user

system: Automatic transition carried out by the system. Sends e-mail notifications to users assigned to next activity if theses are set up.

user: Activity carried out by the user. The user will signal the completion actively by proceeding to one of the next activities.

Read-Only Activity

Numeric: 0 or 1

A value of 1 indicates a read-only activity. The user can inspect figures but must not change them. Approval activities are defined as read-only.

Notification Subject


Contains the subject of the email notification and is editable via the E-Mail Notification interface.

Example: base element TRANS_01 contains a notification subject for the start of a workflow task:

Task TASK_NAME has been started.

Notification Body


Contains the body of the email notification and is editable via the E-Mail Notification interface.

Example: base element TRANS_01 contains a notification body for the start of a workflow task:

Dear Jedox User,

the task TASK_NAME has been started by user USER_NAME.Please log in to Jedox to execute the task step activities that are assigned to you.

Jedox Administrator

Note: the elements in this dimension are not subject to configuration.

Below are the keyword placeholders that are used within the e-mail notification:

Keyword Description
TASK_NAME Name of the task (e.g.: Cost Center Budget 2017)
USER_NAME User Name of the person who initiated the previous activity given in General information about User.
USER_EMAIL E-mail of the person who initiated the previous activity given in General information about User.
STEP_NAME Name of the current step in the step dimension (e.g.: AMER)
ACTIVITY_NAME Name of activity (e.g.: Send)
WORKFLOW_COMMENT Comment entered while initiating the previous activity
NEXT_ACTIVITY_NAME Name of next activity (e.g.: Review)

Updated April 9, 2024