
Return to Financial Consolidation model Overview

Elements in the Segment represent the companies within a group, i.e those companies for which you need a separate financial statement. All Segments should aggregate to the grand total element Total Group. The elements may be structured by a hierarchy of intermediate levels or be directly assigned to Total Group. The number of elements in the legal entity dimension determine the number of items subject to consolidation. You may subdivide the total group into subgroups. The sample data includes subgroups EU and AMER.

In addition to the company elements, there are two elements with a special meaning:

  • ~ (Not Applicable): data that is not broken down by a Segment is stored in this element. This type of element is sometimes also referred to as a “dummy element”.
  • Unassigned: this element should be empty most of the time. It may refer to Segments that are missing when data is imported from a source system. During the data load, the missing elements are created on the fly under the parent Unassigned. When the dimension is maintained at a later point, the new elements will be relocated to their correct parent.
Make sure you do not delete the following elements:
  • All Segments
  • ~
  • Unassigned

If you delete these elements, the reports using them may not work fully.

The Segment elements can be configured through their attributes:

Attribute Description

Readable name of the Segment, visible in the report. Localized translations can be provided. There is no hard-coded behavior implemented upon this name. (string)


Combination of element name, a dash (“ - "), and the localized name attribute. (calculated, string)

Elimination Element

The Financial Consolidation model supports intra-segment and inter-segment elimination in the Segment hierarchy. The intra-segment elimination applies for intercompany relations having the same element in the Segment and the Partner Segment dimension. The eliminated amounts will be stored on this element. The inter-segment elimination applies for intercompany relations with different Segment elements and in the Partner Segment dimensions. The eliminated amounts will be stored on special segment elimination elements. These are base elements that are children of a consolidated Segment element and referred to by the Elimination Element attribute of that consolidated Segment element. It's good practice to use the name of the consolidated Segment element with the "_Elimination" postfix.

The "All Segments" segment must have such an elimination element. For any other consolidated Segment element elimination elements are optional. The eliminated amounts will be stored on the lowest possible elimination element, which parent is the ancestor to both parties of the inter-segment relation.

Parallel hierarchies are not allowed in this dimension.

Updated August 28, 2023