Partner Segment

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Elements in the Partner Segment dimension represent business relationships with other companies in a group. All internal partner segments should aggregate to the consolidated element Total Group. You may subdivide the total group into subgroups. The sample data includes subgroups EU and AMER. The root element of this dimension is All Partner Segments.

In addition to the company elements, there are two elements with a special meaning:

  • ~ (Not Applicable): data that is not broken down by a partner segment is stored in this element. This type of element is sometimes referred to as a “dummy element”. It is also used for business relationships with external partners.
  • Unassigned: this element should be empty most of the time. It may refer to partner segments that are missing when data is imported from a source system. During the data load, these missing elements are created on the fly under the parent element Unassigned. The new elements will be relocated to their correct parent when the dimension is updated.

Make sure you do not delete the following elements:

  • All Partner Segments
  • ~
  • Unassigned

Additionally the subgroup elements should have a weight of zero. While all legal entities are direct children of the Total Group element, the legal entities of a subgroup must also be a direct child of their relevant subgroup. All base elements elements and subgroup hierarchies have to be identical to those in the Legal Entity dimension.

If you do not meet the above constraints, the implementation relying on them may be compromised. The reports and application using them may not fully work.

The Partner segment elements can be configured through their attributes:




Readable name of the partner segment, visible in the report. Localized translations can be provided. There is no hard-coded behavior implemented upon this name. (string)


Combination of the element name, a dash (“ - "), and the localized name attribute. (calculated, string)

Updated August 25, 2023