Exchange Rates_YTD Cube

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The exchange rates for monthly year-to-date periods are maintained in Exchange Rates_YTD cube, which consists of the following dimensions:

  • Version: See article Version Dimension
  • Month_YTD: See article Month_YTD Dimension (Financial Consolidation)
  • Conversion Type contains the following elements:
  • Element Definition

    All Conversion Types

    Total of all conversion types; aggregated figures are usually meaningless at this level.

    Unassigned This element should be empty most of the time. It may refer to Exchange Rates_YTD that are missing when data is imported from a source system. During the data load, the missing elements are created on the fly under the parent Unassigned. When the dimension is maintained at a later point, the new elements will be relocated to their correct parent.

    This conversion type always contains a rate of 1 and can be used to prevent unwanted currency conversion, e.g. for number of heads.


    The arithmetic average over all available daily exchange rates. This type can be used for currency conversion of flow quantities, e.g. revenue or travel costs.

    Month End

    The most recent exchange rate available in the month. This type can be used for currency conversion of stock quantities, e.g. intangible assets or liabilities.

    Month Start

    The opening exchange rate, equal to the month-end exchange rate of the previous month. This type can be used for currency conversion of Opening transaction type, defining the opening balance.


    This conversion type is a placeholder for currency conversion with historical conversion rates. The Exchange Rate cubes will not store exchange rates for this conversion type.

Updated August 28, 2023