Supervision Server Samples

Link to the main article: Supervision Server (SVS)

The installation of Jedox Supervision Server includes several sample PHP scripts that demonstrate the various capabilities of monitoring databases with Supervision Server and reacting to certain events.

If you navigate to the SVS Script Editor, you will find the sample PHP scripts shown below:

Note on cross-version compatibility of SVS scripts: Supervision Server scripts are written in PHP and must be compliant with the PHP version used by the Supervision Server. They can also make use of Jedox-specific PHP functions, which may be dependent on the Jedox version in use. New versions of Jedox may include new versions of PHP in SVS, and thus may require manual adjustment of the script code. Additionally, scripts developed in and working with a current version of Jedox may not work in a previous version.

Reacting to cell changes: "cube worker" example

Note that the use-cube-worker parameter must be enabled in the configuration file.

In the file, replace the entry or with, and restart the JedoxSuiteMolapService.

In the sample, which we use later, “Turnover” is calculated as product of “Units” and “Price Per Unit”. For this we add the element “Price Per Unit” in the attribute dimension “#_Products_” in Modeler:

Then enter "500" as "Price per Unit" for the element “Desktop L” in the corresponding Jedox View:

Now open a Jedox View to change data in the cube "Sales".

If you change the value for "Units" of the product "Desktop L" for any Version/Time/Region, you will see that "Turnover" is changed automatically. This change is performed by the Supervision Server: it monitors the "Units" cube slice for changes, and when a value is changed in that area of the cube, SVS automatically calculates a "Turnover" value in the PHP script, setting this value in the corresponding cube cell.

If you try to change the Turnover value, you will receive the following error message from the SVS:

For the "Turnover" cube slice, the Supervision Server reacts to any input by returning this (configurable) error message to the user. When the SVS is turned off, you can change the Turnover value without any message.

Updated July 8, 2024