SAPBIDataStore Extract

This extract retrieves transactional data stored in Data Store Objects (DSO). A DSO is an architectural component of a SAP BW system with a flat structure (flat table) and no star schema concept, such as InfoCubes. It generally contains granular data on a highly detailed level necessary for line item reporting. During the staging process, it is loaded before InfoCubes.

Note: In SAP BW/4HANA, DataStore Objects (classic) have been replaced with a new unified persistent object type, the Advanced Data Store Object (aDSO). Therefore, this extract type can no longer be used for BW/4HANA. In order to extract from aDSO, the extract types SAPTable (with a connection of type SAP), or Relational/RelationalTable (with a connection of type SAPHana) may be used.



Connection Name of the SAP connection.
Datastore Name of the Data Store Object
Filter Filtering criteria for each field of the DSO (optional). The filtering criteria are described in the article Filtering with SAP Connector.
Export data fields Fields of the DSO that are extracted. Key fields and data fields are handled in the same way.
Bulk size Size of blocks for Jedox In-Memory DB Server write requests.
Use caching Memory, disk, or none (default). See Caching in Extracts.


Updated February 7, 2025