Region Dimension

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Human Resources Model Overview

Employees are assigned to regions to distinguish parameters for calculated personnel costs, such as health insurance rates. The base elements can be countries, states, provinces, or other regional entities that can uniquely identify the parameter values. The hierarchy between the root element All Regions and the individual regions can be organized in an arbitrary way to match the organizational requirements. The base elements must be descendants of the root element All Regions.

Base elements of the Employee dimension are assigned to the regions by the Region attribute. The correct region for an employee is defined by the working contract and local regulations.

Mandatory elements in this dimension are:



All Regions

Root element summarizing all base elements showing 100% of all regions.


The NA (not applicable) element of the dimension, which holds data that is not broken down by region. Must be child of All Regions. This is also the default write element of this dimension


Grouping of unexpected elements found during data load. Must be child of All Regions. This is the default parent element of this dimension.

This dimension must have additional base elements to hold data that is broken down by region.

The Region elements can be configured through their attributes:




Readable name of the region. Localized translations can be provided. This attribute is exposed on the report. There is no hard-coded behavior implemented on this name. (string)


Combination of element name a dash (“ - ") and the localized name attribute. (calculated, string)


Long text for the region. This attribute can contain a more detailed definition of the region or instructions for the planners. Localized translations can be provided. (string)


Optional. Geographic WGS 84 coordinate between -90 (south pole) and 90 (north pole) with a dot (.) as decimal separator. (string)


Optional. Geographic WGS 84 coordinate between -180 (west of Greenwich) and +180 (east of Greenwich) with a dot (.) as decimal separator. (string)

Updated August 28, 2023