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Below you can find the elements of the Intercompany_measure dimension and their descriptions.

Elements Description
Amount The value used for the intercompany matching reports and to populate the Debit or Credit amount in automated journal entry lines. The consolidation function for base Intercompany Account elements defines the Amount. NULL if the element belongs to a consolidation for which the consolidation rule filters do not apply. The consolidation rule filters apply in the Intercompany (Intercompany (Segment)) cube if the All Filters Combined (All Filters Combined (Segment)) measure from the Consolidation Rule Filters cube is true (i.e., has a non-zero value). For the ~ element in the Legal Entity or the Partner Entity element, the Amount is defined to always be NULL. (numeric, calculated)
Has Relations Deprecated. Non-zero for intercompany relations between any pair of legal entity and partner entity for a consolidation rule. (numeric, calculated)
Posting Journal Definition Count The number of Intercompany Account base elements having an Amount value and the consolidation rule lines have posting journal instructions or NULL. Used to create automated journal entry lines on the consolidation rule line level from the All Consolidations hierarchy. (numeric, calculated)
Relations Count The number of non-zero intercompany relations between any pair of legal entity and partner entity for a consolidation rule. It identifies and counts intercompany relations in the intercompany matching reports. It is only defined for the LC and the group currency of the current scope for the All Intercompany Matchings hierarchy on the regular and the inverted consolidation rule levels. (numeric, calculated)
Mismatches The number of mismatching intercompany relations between any pair of legal entity and partner entity for a consolidation rule exceeding the Mismatches Threshold for the consolidation rule. It is used in the intercompany matching reports. This figure is always less or equal to the Relations Count. (numeric, calculated)
Transaction Currency Mismatches The number of intercompany relations between any pair of legal entity and partner entity for a consolidation rule exceeding the Mismatches Threshold for the consolidation rule in the transaction currencies. Used in the intercompany matching reports. This figure is always less or equal the Mismatches measure. (numeric, calculated)
FX Mismatches Reserved for future use. (numeric)


Updated August 28, 2023