_WF Activity Dimension (Financial Consolidation)

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The elements of this activity dimension are states and transitions. The activities are to be executed by either the system or a user.

The children of _WF Approval_Activities define the standard approval workflow:

The children of WF_Two_Level_Approval_Activities define two level approval workflow:

The children of WF_Three_Level_Approval_Activities define three level approval workflow:

The children of WF_Feedback_Activities define feedback workflow:

The children of WF_Consolidation_Activities define consolidation workflow:

The children of WF_Separate_Financial_Stmnt_Collection_Activities define separate statement collection workflow:

The states and transitions are defined by their attributes:

Attribute Type Definition
Name String Readable localized name.
Description String Readable localized description.
Icon String Reserved for future use
Next Activity String One or multiple next activities. In case of multiple activities these are separated by a comma (,). Any next activity must be a sibling base element of the _WF Activity dimension.
Executor String: system or user

system: Automatic transition carried out by the system. Sends e-mail notifications to users assigned to next activity if theses are set up.

user: Activity carried out by the user. The user will signal the completion actively by proceeding to one of the next activities.

Read-Only Activity Numeric: 0 or 1 A value of 1 indicates a read-only activity. The user can inspect figures but must not change them. Approval activities are defined as read-only.
Notification Subject String

Contains the subject of the email notification and is editable via the E-Mail Notification interface.

Example: base element TRANS_01 contains a notification subject for the start of a workflow task:

Task TASK_NAME has been started.

Notification Body String

Contains the body of the email notification and is editable via the E-Mail Notification interface.

Example: base element TRANS_01 contains a notification body for the start of a workflow task:

Dear Jedox User,

the task TASK_NAME has been started by user USER_NAME.Please log in to Jedox to execute the task step activities that are assigned to you.


Jedox Administrator

Note: the elements in this dimension are not subject to configuration.

Below are the keyword placeholders that are used within the e-mail notification:

Keyword Description
TASK_NAME Name of the task (e.g.: Cost Center Budget 2017)
USER_NAME User Name of the person who initiated the previous activity given in General information about User.
USER_EMAIL E-mail of the person who initiated the previous activity given in General information about User.
STEP_NAME Name of the current step in the step dimension (e.g.: AMER)
ACTIVITY_NAME Name of activity (e.g.: Send)
WORKFLOW_COMMENT Comment entered while initiating the previous activity
NEXT_ACTIVITY_NAME Name of next activity (e.g.: Review)

Updated July 8, 2024