BS Account Dimension (Financial Consolidation)

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Elements in the BS Account dimension comprise account hierarchies in the financial statement for the balance sheet. You can configure the BS Account dimension to meet the reporting and planning requirements for the Financial Consolidation model.

The base elements of this dimension are either single ledger accounts or reporting positions. These elements aggregate into the hierarchy used to form the reports. Account numbers should be used as elements; readable names should be stored in the Name attribute. This simplifies the import and export of financial data, minimizes the impact of amendments of the readable names, and allows you to use localized translations of the accounts. The top most hierarchy generally comprises Total Assets and the Total Equity and Liabilities. You can set up parallel hierarchies to provide multiple views of balance sheet figures.

The BS Account elements can be configured through their attributes:




Readable name of the account. Localized translations can be provided. This attribute is visible in the report. There is no hard-coded behavior implemented in this attribute (string).


Technical element name of the article as well as the readable name. If localized translations are provided Name attribute, this attribute will also become localized. This attribute is visible in the report. There is no hard-coded behavior implemented in this attribute (string, calculated).


Long text description of the account. This attribute can contain a definition of the amounts booked to the account or instructions for the planners. Localized translations can be provided (string).


Valid values are Assets and Liabilities (Liabilities represent both equity and liabilities).

Conversion Type

Defines which exchange rate is used during currency conversion. Valid values are base elements of the Conversion Type dimension, e.g. Average, Month End, Month Start, Historic and ~. Balance sheet accounts usually use currency conversion with month end or historic rates. Use ~ to suppress the currency conversion, e.g. for statistical figures like number of heads (string).

See Fact Cube Using Currency Conversion (Financial Consolidation) and Configuration of Conversion Types.

FXDiff Account

FXDiff (foreign exchange differences) is the difference between the amount converted at historic rates and the value in local currency converted at month end rate. The attribute applies only to accounts with the historic conversion type. The attribute value must refer to a base element in the BS Account dimension.
Movement Schedule

The movement schedule is the subset of elements of the Transaction Type dimension that are valid for the account.


Indicates whether the account contains intercompany relations. Valid values are:

0: The account does not have intercompany relations.

1: The account can have intercompany relations.

This flag is currently not used by the Financial Consolidation model. Custom reports or interfaces may take advantage of this attribute (numeric).

Consolidation Rule Consolidation rule by which this account is eliminated in the financial consolidation procedure. This must be a base element of the Consolidation Rule dimension which is defined by one of the elimination rule functions (Elim.Assets, ElimX.Assets, Elim.Liabilities, ElimX.Liabilities, etc.). Must be empty if the account is not eliminated at all or eliminated by a consolidation rule which uses a fact selector. When this attribute is populated, the Clearing Account attribute must be populated, too.
Clearing Account

Another balance sheet account or profit and loss account, to counterbook the amount from the balance sheet account to. Both sides of a consolidation rule must be the same clearing account, so the amounts from the reporting entity and the partner entity balance out on this account. Must be empty if the account is not eliminated at all or eliminated by a consolidation rule which uses a fact selector. When this attribute is populated, the Consolidation Rule attribute must be populated, too.


Number format for this account to be driven by the database: database formatting to be implemented in the near future (string).


Defines the calculation for the element; only for planning versions.


Indicates which cube is the source of transferred data; only for planning versions.


Slice within one or more of the business dimensions receiving transferred data; only for planning versions.

Example: Transaction Type':{'T111','T112'}


Defines the calculation for the element; only for the Actual version.


Indicates which cube is source of transferred data; only for Actual version.

Slice within one or more of the business dimensions receiving transferred data; only for planning versions.

Example: Transaction Type':{'T111','T112'}

DCS Check Account

Used to refer to another BS Account to be checked for the condition specified with the DCS Condition attribute (see below). If DCS Condition is not set, this attribute should be empty, too (reserved for future use).

DCS Condition

Used to specify a calculated debit-credit-shift account. Valid values are empty, >=0, and <0 (reserved for future use).

DCS Data Account

Used to refer to another base-level BS Account to define the value of the debit-credit-shift account if the DCS Condition is met. If DCS Condition is not set, this attribute should be empty, too (reserved for future use).

Separate Statement

Exposed on the separate financial statement reports.

Consolidated Statement

Exposed on the consolidated financial statement reports.
Separate Movement Schedule Report Name of the detail report that shows the movement schedule for the consolidated financial statement for this account. Example: Reports/Financial Consolidation Separate Property, Plant and Equipment.wss. It is left empty, if this account does not have a movement schedule report. (string)
Consolidated Movement Schedule Report Name of the detail report that shows the movement schedule for the separate financial statement for this account. Example: Reports/Financial Consolidation Separate Property, Plant and Equipment.wss. It is left empty, if this account does not have a movement schedule report. (string)

Please note: Make sure you do not delete the following elements:

  • All BS Accounts
  • ~
  • Unassigned

The following accounts must be placed in account settings:

Account Value Description
bs_account_assets 100000 Top level account for reports. Must be an element from BS Account dimension (string).
bs_accounts_equity 210000 Top level account for reports. Must be an element from BS Account dimension (string).
bs_accounts_kpis 910000 Parent element of KPIs to be shown on reports. Must be an element from BS Account dimension (string).
bs_account_liabilities 200000 Top level account for reports. Must be an element from BS Account dimension (string).
business_combinations_transaction_type BCmb.T999 Transaction on business combinations (string).

Additionally, they must conform to the sign standard (see full article for more detail).

If you do not meet the above constraints, the implementation relying on them may no longer fully work.

For more details on the PCalculation, PCalculationDependencies, PTargetRestriction, ACalculation, ACalculationDependencies and ATargetRestriction attributes see the KPI Calculations (by Version) for Balance Sheet and Balance Sheet (Segment) Cubes article.

Updated March 19, 2024