Balance Sheet Initialization Report

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This administrative report allows you to initialize forecast data and to bring closing balances of one data set forward as opening balances of another data set. The functions operate on data sets that are stored in the Balance Sheet cube.

The input fields and options are explained below:





Selects one of the functions: Initialize Forecast or Carry Balance Forward

For function Initialize Forecast the job xfcd109_30_Forecast_Load is executed; for function Carry Balance Forward it's the job xfcd114_30_Balance Carry Forward.

Legal Entity (Combobox)

Selection of Legal Entity for which Forecast should be initialized

Any element of the Legal Entity dimension.

Source Version (Combobox)

Selection of planning version which serves as planning version template

Elements of Version dimension. When running Forecast Initialization only elements matching the pattern FC or BU in attribute Stylesheet are selectable.

Source Year (Combobox)

Selection of year which serves as planning version template

Elements matching the pattern yyyy or FYyyyy of Month dimension.

Target Version (Combobox)

Selection of planning version where values should be written to, excludes the selected version of Source Version.

Elements of Version dimension. When running Forecast Initialization only elements matching the pattern FC in attribute Stylesheet and which are not selected in Source Version at this moment are selectable

Target Year (Combobox)

Selection of year where values should be written to (only valid when Carry Balance Forward is selected).

Elements matching the pattern yyyy or FYyyyy of Month dimension.

Copy button

Starts the procedure

Runs a job performing the selected function in Integrator. variables include:

  • xccd101_Source_Entity
  • xccd101_Target_Entity
  • xccd107_Source_Version
  • xccd107_Target_Version
  • xccd107_Source_ForeCast_Month
  • xccd107_Target_ForeCast_Month

Status message and icon

Empty: job has not been started yet

Failed: job has failed. Check the execution log in Integrator – Monitor for detailed information.

Completed with Warnings: job has succeeded, but one or more warnings have been raised during the execution. Check the execution log in Integrator – Monitor for detailed information.

Completed successfully: job succeeded without any warnings or errors.

Updated September 27, 2024