Best Practice Accelerator Human Resources

The Best Practice Accelerator for Human Resources guides teams to create plans that align with corporate strategies and are seamless with the Office of Finance.

It allows you to plan KPIs such as FTE, headcount, salaries, and insurance, as well as benefits such as retirement savings and childcare. You can easily add KPIs and make plan adjustments by individual, team, business unit, cost center, or position. Furthermore, the workflow enables users with appropriate access to submit and request approval for changes.

The Best Practice Accelerator Human Resources is available in the Jedox Marketplace.

Main features

  • FTE and headcount planning

  • Base salary and salary adjustments (e.g. salary increase in % and amount)

  • Benefits planning (bonus, car allowance, kindergarten, etc.)

  • Flexible planning periods, like 12 months, 18 months, 24 months, etc.

  • Employee changes (cost center change)

  • Social insurance planning (e.g. health insurance, long-term)

  • HR Dashboard

Updated December 13, 2024