INFO() Function

The INFO() function in Jedox Web returns different information than its Excel Add-in counterpart.

The table below shows how the function works in Jedox Web, with its different arguments, a result example, and its purpose:


Result example




Shows number of active worksheets in the open workbooks



Shows name of the host OS


Shows exact version of Jedox Spreadsheet Server



Shows name of the user currently logged in



Shows the language set for the current user

Example for =INFO(“usergroups”): Array function in range of 4 cells



Lists the usergroups the current user is part of in an array







You can use the MATCH() and INFO("usergroups") function to check whether a user is a member of a particular group. For example, to check whether a user is a member of the "sales" group, you would use the following function:


If the user is a member of the group, the function returns the position in the usergroup array for the group. If the user is not a member of the group, the function returns #N/A.

Note: if group memberships are created in the same session as the test above, the result will be #N/A. Just start a new session and run the function again.

Updated December 9, 2024