INFO() Function
The INFO() function in Jedox Web returns different information than its Excel Add-in counterpart.
The table below shows how the function works in Jedox Web, with its different arguments, a result example, and its purpose:
Function |
Result example |
Purpose |
=INFO(“numfile”) |
3 |
Shows number of active worksheets in the open workbooks |
=INFO(“osversion”) |
Windows |
Shows name of the host OS |
=INFO(“release”) | |
Shows exact version of Jedox Spreadsheet Server |
=INFO(“currentuser”) |
admin |
Shows name of the user currently logged in |
=INFO(“currentlanguage”) |
en_US |
Shows the language set for the current user |
Example for =INFO(“usergroups”): Array function in range of 4 cells |
{=INFO(“usergroups”)} |
designer |
Lists the usergroups the current user is part of in an array |
{=INFO(“usergroups”)} |
sales |
{=INFO(“usergroups”)} |
marketing |
{=INFO(“usergroups”)} |
#NV |
You can use the MATCH() and INFO("usergroups") function to check whether a user is a member of a particular group. For example, to check whether a user is a member of the "sales" group, you would use the following function:
If the user is a member of the group, the function returns the position in the usergroup array for the group. If the user is not a member of the group, the function returns #N/A.
Note: if group memberships are created in the same session as the test above, the result will be #N/A. Just start a new session and run the function again.
Updated December 9, 2024