TableAggregation Transform

This transform aggregates the data according to a set of key columns and different aggregation functions.


The first step is to choose your data source in the respective field.

Then, in the Target table, go to the "Input" field and select the columns you wish to use as keys for the aggregation (see image below).

For example, if you choose "Regions" as a key column, all rows presenting the same value in this column in the source table (e.g. Germany) will be aggregated into a single row in the new table.

You may choose more than one key column, e.g. "Regions" and "Years". In this case, all rows presenting the same values in both key columns will be aggregated into a single row in the new table (for example, Germany 2018), and henceforth.

Furthermore, you can either keep the original names of the source columns, or define new ones by filling in the "Field name" area on the left-hand side of the Target table.1

Next, go to the Measures table. Specify an aggregation function in the "Aggregation" field, and define the input value in the "Input" field.

For instance, you can choose the "sum" function and define "Value" as input. In this case, all rows having an identical value in the key column will be grouped into a single row, and their Values will be summed and presented in a "sum" column in the new table. See the example below for a more detailed explanation.

You can also define a different name for the header of the aggregation columns - just fill in the "Measure" field on the left-hand side. If this field is left empty, the function name will be the header of the aggregation column.2

It is possible to define the measure type as text, numeric (double), or integer. (This is also an option for the TableNormalization and TableDenormalization transforms.)

You can also create output columns through regular expressions. Data delimiter options are

  • comma (default)
  • Tab as data delimiter: \t
  • For blank value (" ") as data delimiter: #space
  • semicolon

After the changes, click Save.


Consider you have the data below (just a sample here):

You wish to aggregate the data using the "Regions" and "Years" columns as keys, and sum their values. That means you need the "sum" function.

For this, select the key columns in the "Input" field in the Target table. Next, in the Measures table, select the "sum" function in the "Aggregation" field, and define "Value" as the "Input".

Save the changes.

In the data preview, you can see that all rows showing a same country and a same year in the source table were grouped into a single row in the new table, and their values were summed in the "Sum" column. Check "Germany", for example:

The same procedure is valid for all aggregation functions, which are presented in the table below.

Aggregation functions

The following aggregation functions are available for transforms TableAggregation, TableNormalization, and TableDenormalization:

sum Sum
min Minimum
max Maximum
avg Average
first The first data entry for one target position
last The last data entry for one target position
count Number of data entries written on one target position
Number of distinct data entries written on one target position
group_concat Concatenates all data entries with separator “,” while maintaining order of source rows
concat_distinct Concatenates all distinct data entries with separator “,” (i.e. remove duplicate values); results are in ascending order
selectivity Estimates the selectivity (0-100) of a value. The value is defined as (100 * distinctCount / rowCount).
var_samp The sample variance (square of the sample standard deviation)
stddev_samp The sample standard deviation
var_pop The population variance (square of the population standard deviation)
stddev_pop The population standard deviation
none No aggregation occurs; the last data set is written (overwriting).


Column include pattern Regular expression for column names to be included as output columns of the transform.
Column exclude pattern Regular expression for column names to be excluded as output columns of the transform.
Measure include pattern Regular expression for measure names to be included as output columns of the transform.
Measure exclude pattern Regular expression for measure names to be excluded as output columns of the transform.
Measure aggregation The aggregation function used for all measures which are added dynamically via the Measure include or exclude pattern.
Keep source order If set, the order of output rows respects the order in the source with first appearance of a particular key. If not set the order is arbitrary but the performance might be better.
Use caching
When checked (true), caching will be used; when not checked (false), caching will not be used. See Caching in Extracts and Transforms.

Special case: distinct rows

The distinct rows of a source, i.e. removing of all duplicate rows, can be achieved with this transform by setting "Column include pattern" to "." (i.e. the regular expression for accept all) and no measures. In order to maintain the order of rows the option "Keep source order" has to be set.


Updated September 27, 2024