AITransform for Jedox Cloud

With the AITransform, Jedox Cloud users can use AIssisted™ Planning functionality within Jedox Integrator. This article gives examples using the database from the AIssisted™ Planning Wizard model in the Marketplace. Model installation is not required in order to use the transform, however it may be helpful if you want to follow some of the examples below.

Note: the AITransform is only available through Jedox Cloud, and requires a license. Contact your Jedox Sales representative for more information.

An AITransform Sample ETL project that gives a simple outline of how to use the AITransform is located in the AIssisted™ Planning Wizard, which can be installed from the Jedox Marketplace.

The AITransform has several AIssisted™ Planning functions to choose from. Please select from the following functions below to be directed to the function-specific documentation:

Time Series Forecasting: uses historic data to generate forecasts based on past trends. Allows for a basic interpolation method. Use the AIssistedTimeSeriesPipeline function for more control over interpolation and outlier methods in your time series prediction.

Interpolation: replaces missing values in source data with meaningful values for better results.

Outlier Detection: detects extreme values in source data and replaces them with meaningful values for more accurate forecasts.

AIssistedDataPreparation: manipulates missing values and identifies/replaces outliers based on user input to calculate results.

AIssistedTimeSeriesPipeline: uses outlier detection, interpolation, and extrapolation services based on user input to prepare the data and forecast values.

DriverBasedPrediction: performs basic pre-processing (if required) on input data and trains a regression model for predicting target values.

DriverSelection: performs basic pre-processing (if required) on input data and identifies the important input features with respect to a given target.

Classification: performs basic pre-processing (if required) on input data and trains a classifier for predicting class labels.

DriverSelectionClassification: performs basic pre-processing (if required) on input data and identifies the important input features with respect to a given target. This function can solve classification problems where the goal is to predict the category or class that a data point belongs to, instead of predicting a numerical value, as is the case with standard DriverSelection.

AITransform functions

Updated September 25, 2024