SAPBIHierarchy Extract

This extract retrieves hierarchies for SAP BW InfoObjects.


Connection Name of the SAP connection.
InfoObject Name of the InfoObject
Extract mode Modes are noMasterdata, masterWithoutText, and masterWithText.
Filter Multiple hierarchies for one InfoObject are possible. If no hierarchy is specified, all available hierarchies for the InfoObject are extracted. Otherwise you have to select.

Parent node in hierarchy: Filters a hierarchy to nodes under the indicated parent node (optional). Note: if you have characteristic nodes from external info objects as consolidated elements in the SAP BW Hierarchy, the parent has to be entered in this way:

<node name>@<external characteristic> ; e.g.1234@0ABC (node 1234, external info object 0ABC)

Date to: Validity date of hierarchy (optional). The date has to be given in the form yyyyMMdd e.g. 99991231

Version of hierarchy (optional).

Prefix: A specified prefix is added on all hierarchy nodes (consolidated nodes) of the hierarchy so that alternative hierarchies with intersecting hierarchy nodes can be built up as a combined hierarchy (optional).

Text attributes Description texts for the hierarchy nodes are extracted. The following descriptions are available in the SAP BI system:
  • txtsh: Short Description
  • txtmd: Medium Description
  • txtlg: Long Description

It is possible to extract several descriptions parallel.

Note: texts are only extracted for the hierarchical text nodes of the hierarchy (consolidated elements). For basic elements, the texts have to be extracted with source SAPBIMaster.

Remove left Possible compounding InfoObjects can be cut for the data output. The number of figures of the compounding InfoObjects has to be specified.

Example: Infoobject 0COSTCENTER is compounded with 0CO_AREA. Length of 0CO_AREA is 4. For an output without 0CO_AREA, parameter has to be set to 4.

Alpha conversion When the flag is set, the external format without left-hand zeros is used for the base elements.

Updated February 7, 2024