SAPBalanceSheet Extract

With this extract, a financial statement from General Ledger Accounting (component FI-GL) can be extracted as a hierarchical structure. The resulting balance sheet or income statement is a hierarchical structure with financial statement items for GL accounts.


Connection Name of the SAP connection.
Version Name of the financial statement version.
Language The language for the attribute descriptions.
Read accounts If this option is set, the GL accounts that are assigned to a financial statement item are extracted and consolidated under the item.
Short description attribute The name of the attribute that is filled with the description of the financial statement items and GL accounts. If the input field is empty, this attribute is not created.
Long description attribute The name of the attribute that is filled with the description of the financial statement items and GL accounts. If the input field is empty, this attribute is not created.
Group prefix The entered text is added as a prefix to the name of each group element (i.e., the financial statement item), which eases the handling of alternative hierarchies with different prefixes for each financial statement version. The names of the base nodes (e.g. the GL accounts) are not changed.
Suffix for shifting accounts In a financial statement version, two items can be defined with a debit/credit shift. The position of GL accounts under these items depend on the total balance of the accounts. If this option is set, such (shifting) accounts are created twice in the hierarchy.
Suffix template
(e.g. A|1A|2A)
Enter the suffixes for switch accounts separated by the | symbol.
  1. Standard account
  2. Accounts only Debit
  3. Accounts only Credit

If nothing is entered, no switch account mapping will be done.

Alpha conversion When the flag is set, the external format without left-hand zeros is used for the base elements.

Updated February 7, 2024