Removing Unused Integrator Components

You can identify and remove unused components in an Integrator project, both at the project level and the job level. At the project level, components with no job or load dependencies will be removed. At the job level, components that are not dependent on the job will be removed. Currently, this feature does not remove unused components that are invalid/contain errors.

To remove unused components, right-click on the project or job in the navigation pane to open the context menu. From there, select Remove unused components.

Menu screenshot

A confirmation dialog appears next, showing how many components are unused. Here you have options to delete or cancel the action.

Dialog screenshot

To see the specific components that have been identified for removal, click on Show items list. For example, the following items have been identified as unused in the sampleBiker project:

List dialog screenshot

Note: as the dialog warns, the deletion cannot be undone.

Updated January 28, 2025