Google Sheets Load

This load type enables loading of data to a Google Sheets using a Google Sheets connection.


Data Source Source for the load
Target connection An existing Google Sheets connection.
Header If set, the load will include the first line of the source.
Mode Create
  • The connection needs a spreadsheet Name, which will be used to create the new workbooks. If both a Google Sheet Name and a Google Sheet ID are identified in the connection, the ID will take precedence.
  • If there are several Google Sheets with the same name, a warning appears and the first spreadsheet found will be used.
  • If the spreadsheet already exists, it is removed and a new spreadsheet is created.
  • If the spreadsheet doesn't exist, a new spreadsheet is created.
  • The spreadsheet is created if it doesn't exist.
  • If the spreadsheet exists, and the sheet doesn't exist, a new sheet is created with the sheet name specified.
  • If the spreadsheet and sheet exist, then the sheet is cleared and updated with the new data.
  • The spreadsheet is created if it doesn't exist.
  • If the spreadsheet exists, and the sheet doesn't exist, a new sheet is created with the sheet name specified.
  • If sheet already exist, and there is no start cell defined, the data will be appended to the end of the current data
  • If a start cell is defined, the data will be added to the sheet starting on the start cell, overwriting any data that might have been there before.
  • If start cell is not defined, the data will be appended to the end of existing data.
Start cell If set, the data is written in the workbook to a range with this starting cell. Default value: A1


  • When dealing with large data sets, data is loaded in batches of 50,000 rows at a time.
  • Google Sheets has a limit of 10 million cells in a spreadsheet. This is a limitation of Google Sheets, not Jedox.

Updated August 2, 2024