Java API for Jedox In-Memory DB (OLAP)
Within Integrator Groovy jobs and functions, a Java API (palojlib) – can be used by model builders. The Java API provides all functions necessary for establishing a connection to the In-Memory DB, retrieving data, and creating or modifying database contents.
An overview and documentation of all functions provided in the Jedox Java API can be found in the Java API Documentation, which is available online or as a download.
Methods removed in Jedox 2024.2 attn
Several methods in the Jedox Java API (palojlib) have been deprecated with version 2024.2. The deprecated methods have been replaced with other functionality, as listed below.
Interface | Deprecated method | Replacement method |
IConnection | close() | close(boolean Stop) |
save() | save(boolean complete) | |
ICube | addRule(String definition,boolean activate,String externalIdentifier,String comment) | addRule(String definition,boolean activate,String externalIdentifier,String comment, boolean useIdentifier, double position, String source) |
updateRule(int id,String definition,boolean activate,String externalIdentifier,String comment) | updateRule(int id,String definition,boolean activate,String externalIdentifier,String comment, boolean useIdentifier, double position, String source) | |
convert(CubeType type) | Method will be removed without direct replacement. There is no longer need to convert a cube to GPU. | |
save() | use instead | |
IDatabase | save(boolean complete) | save() |
backup(String backupPath) | backup(String backupPath, boolean show_system, boolean include_archive, boolean show_audit, boolean include_csv, String password) | |
IDimension | getChildrenMap()
getAttributesMap() getWeightsMap() |
These bulk methods will be removed without direct replacement. Use the corresponding methods in IElement for a single element. There is no performance advantage in using bulk methods. |
IElement | getSubTree() getSubTreeAttributes() |
Methods will be removed without direct replacement. |
IScriptHandler | execute(File scriptFile, String databaseName, IScriptvariable[] sv) | run(File scriptFile, String databaseName, IScriptvariable[] sv) |
execute(String script, String databaseName, IScriptvariable[] sv) | run(String script, String databaseName, IScriptvariable[] sv) |