MS SQLServer Connection

Access level: read, write

Connection settings

Host The host name (DNS name) or the IP address of the server on which the database is located.
Port The TCP/IP port number used by the database.
User name User name for the connection to the database.
Password Password for the connection to the database.
Database Name, schema, or instance of the relational database.

AI-Powered Search Engine

Optional: database-specific parameters that are added to the generated JDBC URL. Refer to the documentation of the database vendor for a list of possible values.

Use of Windows Authentication

For the connection to a MS SQLServer, you can use the Windows Authentication (Integrated Authentication) instead of user and password entries for the connection. Those fields need to stay empty in the Jedox Integrator connection.

  • Parameter name: integratedSecurity
  • Value: true

Connection to Azure SQL database

This component establishes a connection to Microsoft Azure SQL database, a managed cloud database which is provided as part of Microsoft Azure, for read- and write-access. It also supports Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

Connection to Azure SQL database using Active Directory Password authentication

To connect to the Azure SQL database using Active Directory password authentication, you have to add the following parameter to the Additional JDBC parameters of Jedox SQL connection:

  • Parameter: authentication
  • Value: ActiveDirectoryPassword

It is important to make sure that the user is correctly configured to access Azure SQL Server using Active Directory Password authentication as described in Microsoft documentation.

General remarks in order to establish a connection:

  • Make sure the port is not blocked due to a firewall.
  • Make sure that TCP/IP connection is enabled. This can be configured in the SQL Server Configuration Manager under "SQL Server Network Configuration" -> "Protocols for SQLEXPRESS". (names slightly different for other SQL Server editions).
  • Make sure that MS SQL Server is using the port mentioned in the connection, e.g. port 1433. The ports can be configured in the SQL Server Configuration Manager under "SQL Server Network Configuration" -> "Protocols for SQLEXPRESS" -> "TCP/IP" -> "IP addresses". The port in the connection refers to the TCP Port under "IP All" (not to the TCP Dynamic port).
  • Restart MS SQL server to apply changes

Connecting with an untrusted TLS/SSL certificate

We do not recommend connecting with an untrusted TLS/SSL certificate; users do so at their own risk. To connect insecurely, add one or both of the following parameters to the Additional JDBC parameters field in connection settings:

  • trustServerCertificate with value true: this setting ignores verification of the TLS/SSL certificate presented by the server.
  • encrypt with value false: this option forces the connection to use an unencrypted protocol, independent of whether the identity of the server is verified or not.

Updated March 19, 2024