AccessFile Connection

Access level: read, write

Parallel job access is not possible due to restrictions of Microsoft Access Driver.

Connection settings

Database file The full path to the Access database file (accdb file). The file must already exist in the file system of the Jedox Cloud environment.
Password Password for the connection to the database (optional).
Additional JDBC parameters

Optional: database-specific parameters that are added to the generated JDBC URL. Refer to the documentation of the database vendor for a list of possible values.

Note: the Access connection internally uses the UCanAccess JDBC driver with following implications:

  • Column names are changed in the UCanAccess JDBC to uppercase.
  • Some special characters in column names (e.g "?") will be replaced with the underscore character.
  • There are some limitations in the SQL function IIF: not all of the types are supported as 2nd and 3rd arguments.
  • For huge database files, by adding parameter memory=false, the memory usage is lower, but establishing a connection requires more time.

Updated December 9, 2024